Pietro Scoppola – “Don Bosco and «modernity»” in “Don Bosco’s place in history”

Pietro Scoppola in his essay focuses on the aspects that bring Don Bosco’s work closer to “modernity”. In particular, his educational method is considered modern because it puts the freedom of expression of children in the first place, encouraging their personal resources without imposing pre-established behaviors. In addition, Don Bosco was a modern pioneer in being able to balance school with professional training and work during a historical period when Italian legislation did not deal with such issues.


  • 1. Reasons for saying Don Bosco is modern
  • 2. «Modernity»: a complex concept 
  • 3. Relationship between Church and modernity 
  • 4. Don Bosco’s openness to «modernity»
  • 5. The spiritual source of Don Bosco’s modernity

Reference time period: 1840 – 1870

P. Scoppola, “Don Bosco and «modernity»” in “Don Bosco’s place in history”, LAS, Roma 1993, 507-516.

Reference institution:
Centro Studi Don Bosco
Centro Studi Don Bosco

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