Michal Vojtáš – Salesian Pedagogy after Don Bosco. From the first generation up to the Synod on Young People (1888–2018)

The research published in this volume studies the pedagogical formulations of successive Salesian generations and, in terms of method, attempts to overcome the sterility of purely documentary reconstructions. The intention to connect John Bosco with today’s educational challenges passes through different time periods with their various ways of thinking. These mentalities reinforce some new pedagogical ideas while neglecting others, prefer certain modes of action, develop reflections, some prophetic and courageous, others rather leaning towards the current mentality or to certain crisis management solutions.


  1. Statements on pedagogy by the first Salesian generation
  2. A practical pedagogy of osmosis
  3. Adverse times call for disciplined fidelity
  4. Vatican II: Before, during, after
  5. Planning and animation
  6. New evangelisation and education for the third millennium

Reference time period: 1888 – 2018

M. Vojtáš, Salesian Pedagogy after Don Bosco. From the first generation up to the Synod on Young People (1888–2018), LAS, Roma 2023.

Reference institution:
Centro Studi Don Bosco
Centro Studi Don Bosco

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