Bruno Bellante offers in his essay some food for thought regarding Don Bosco’s choice to use a humanistic educational approach. In fact, according to the Saint, education serves not only to prepare the individual for a future profession, but also to help him in his personal growth as a human being. Bruno Bellante offre nel suo saggio alcuni spunti di riflessione riguardanti la scelta di Don Bosco di utilizzare un approccio educativo di tipo umanistico. Secondo il Santo infatti l’educazione non serve solamente a preparare l’individuo per una professione futura, ma anche per aiutarlo nella sua crescita personale come essere umano.
- 1. The historical context
- 2. Motives and general principles
- 3. Specific scholastic problems
- 4. Coordinating the educational components
- 5. Concluding reflections
Reference time period: 1841 – 1880
B. Bellerate, Don Bosco’s humanistic approach in education, in Don Bosco’s place in history, edited by Patrick Egan and Mario Midali, LAS, Roma 1993, 325-340.
Reference institution:
Centro Studi Don Bosco