Capitolo Generale XXVI Salesiani di Don Bosco – “«Da mihi animas, cetera tolle»: documents of the General Chapter XXVI of the society of Saint Francis of Sales” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society”

The publication of the Acts, with the documents that form part of them, makes the decisions taken official policy, and marks the starting point of the six-year period 2008 – 2014.

The theme of the GC26 is a single one even though it is set out in key issues. At first sight it might seem that the GC26 dealt with five different questions; in realty it is just the one theme: Don Bosco’s programme of spiritual and apostolic life. The motto “Da mihi animas, cetera tolle” can be fully understood from a knowledge of the life and work of our beloved Father and Founder Don Bosco. The “da mihi animas” is translated into the commitment to evangelise the young, especially the poorest ones. The “cetera tolle” makes us ready to leave everything that might prevent us from going to where the most serious needs of the young are to be found: the new frontiers of the Salesian mission.



I. Starting afresh from Don Bosco

  • God’s call
    • Return to Don Bosco
    • Return to the young
    • Charismatic identity and apostolic passion
  • Situation
    • Return to Don Bosco
    • Return to the young
    • Charismatic identify and apostolic passion
  • Guidelines for action
    • Processes required for change
    • Guideline 1 – Return to Don Bosco
    • Guideline 2 – Return to the young
    • Guideline 3 – Charismatic identity and apostolic passion

II. The urgent need for evangelisation 

  • God’s call
    • An evangelised and evangelising community
    • Centrality of the proposal of Jesus Christ
    • Evangelisation and Education
    • Evangelisation in various contexts
  • Situation
    • An evangelised and evangelising community
    • Centrality of the proposal of Jesus Christ
    • Evangelisation and Education
    • Evangelisation in various contexts
  • Guidelines for action
    • Processes required for change
    • Guideline 4 – An evangelised and evangelising community
    • Guideline 5 – Centrality of the proposal of Jesus Christ
    • Guideline 6 – Evangelisation and education
    • Guideline 7 – Evangelisation in various contexts

III. Need for vocation ministry

  • God’s call
    • Witness as the first vocational invitation
    • Apostolic vocations
    • Accompaniment of candidates to Salesian consecrated life
    • The two forms of the Salesian consecrated vocation 
  • Situation
    • Witness as the first vocational invitation
    • Apostolic vocations
    • Accompaniment of candidates to Salesian
      consecrated life
    • The two forms of the Salesian consecrated vocation
  • Guidelines for action
    • Processes required for change
    • Guideline 8 – Our witness as the first vocational invitation
    • Guideline 9 -Apostolic vocations
    • Guideline 10 – Accompaniment of candidates to the Salesian consecrated life
    • Guideline 11 – The two forms of the Salesian consecrated Vocation

IV. Evangelical poverty

  • God’s call
    • Personal and community witness
    • Solidarity with the poor
    • Responsible management of resources in a spirit of solidarity
  • Situation
    • Personal and community witness
    • Solidarity with the poor
    • Responsible management of resources in a spirit of solidarity
  • Guidelines for action
    • Processes required for change
    • Guideline 12 – Personal and community witness
    • Guideline 13 – Solidarity with the poor
    • Guideline 14 – Responsible management of resources in a spirit of solidarity

V. New frontiers

  • God’s call
    • Main priority: poor young people
    • Other priorities: family, social communication, Europe
    • New models for managing works
  • Guidelines for action
    • Processes required for change
    • Guideline 15 – Main priority: poor young people
    • Guidelinee 16 – Other priorities: family, social communication, Europe
    • Guideline 17 – New models for managing works

Deliberations of the GC26

  • Transfer of the Vice Province of Myanmar to the East Asia – Oceania Region
  • The Regions of Europe
  • Assignment of the animation of the Salesian Family to the Vicar of the Rector Major
  • Departments for Youth Ministry, Social Communication, the Missions
  • Assessment of the structures of animation and central government of the Congregation
  • Election of the Regional Councillors
  • Relationship between community and work
  • Local Economer
  • Modification to article 13 of the General Regulations


  • Letter of His Holiness Benedict XVI to Fr Pascual Chávez Villanueva, Rector Major S.D.B., on the occasion of the General Chapter XXVI
  • Address of Cardinal Franc Rod6 C.M. Prefect of the Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and the Societies of Apostolic Life
  • Address of the Rector Major Fr Pascual Chávez Villanueva at the opening of the GC26
  • Address of homage of the Rector Major to the Holy Father on the occasion of the Papal Audience
  • Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI at the Audience to the Chapter members 31 March 2008
  • Address of the Rector Major Fr Pascual Ch6vez Villanueva at the conclusion of the GC26.

Reference time period: 2008

«Da mihi animas, cetera tolle»: documents of the general chapter XXVI of the society of Saint Francis of Sales, in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society” , 89 (2008) 401.

Reference institution:
Direzione Generale SDB
Direzione Generale SDB

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