Egidio Viganò – “Letter of the Rector Major” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society”

The Rector Major, addressing fellow Salesians, encourages a renewed devotion to Our Lady of the Rosary and reflects on the prophetic role of consecrated life. He anticipates the upcoming Synod’s focus on pastoral issues and stresses the importance of clarifying principles to strengthen communion, apostolic activities, and exemplary living within Institutes of Consecrated Life. His message underscores the need for deep reflection on the prophetic dimension of their vocation in preparation for the Synod.


  • lntroduction
  • The prophetic dimension of consecrated life
  • Leaven in the area of significance
  • The contemporary aspect of Christ
  • The key for understanding Vatican ll
  • With Don Bosco, in line with our apostolic consecration: in the Covenant, in the Mission, in Communion, in a Radical perspective
  • May Our Lady of the Rosary be our guide

Reference time period: 1993

E. Viganò, Letter of the Rector Major, in «Acts of the General Council» 74 (1993) 346, 3-39.

Reference institution:
Direzione Generale SDB
Direzione Generale SDB

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