Egidio Viganò – “An invitation to bear greater witness to our consecration” in “Acts of the General Council”

In this letter on the feast of the Birthday of the Virgin Mary, the Rector Major invites reflection on God’s call and grace in our vocation. He announces the upcoming Synod on consecrated life, stressing its role in renewing holiness and service in the Church. Emphasizing the importance of embodying the Beatitudes, he urges consecrated persons to proclaim the resurrection actively, aligning their efforts with the Church’s mission globally.


  • lntroduction: importance of the next Synod of 1994
  • A difficulty
  • An authoritative aide for its preparation
  • The unfinished renewal
  • Ecclesial aspects in our post-conciliar experience
  • The great open horizons
  • Demands of the New Evangelization
  • We await from the synod a renewed presence in the world of the mystery of Christ
  • Conclusion: Mary, Model and Helper of the consecrated life

Reference time period: 1992

E. Viganò, An invitation to bear greater witness to our consecration, in «Acts of the General Council» 73 (1982) 342, 3-42.

Reference institution:
Direzione Generale SDB
Direzione Generale SDB

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