Joseph Boenzi – “Francis de Sales and the bases for salesian prayer” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

The Gospel call to “pray always without becoming weary” (Luke 18:1) can be called the cornerstone of Francis de Sales’ spiritual edifice. Prayer “places our intellect in the brilliance of God’s light” and “exposes our will to the warmth of God’s heavenly love.” Prayer effectively purifies our thoughts and affections, Francis explains, because “it is a stream of holy water that flows forth and makes the plants of our good desires grow green and flourish and quenches the passions within our hearts.” In this imaginative, clear and forthright manner, Francis shows us that prayer is not so much a matter of words but a way of living in constant relationship with God.

La chiamata evangelica a “pregare sempre senza stancarsi” (Lc 18,1) può essere definita la pietra angolare dell’edificio spirituale di Francesco di Sales. La preghiera «mette il nostro intelletto nello splendore della luce di Dio» ed «espone la nostra volontà al calore dell’amore celeste di Dio». La preghiera purifica efficacemente i nostri pensieri e gli affetti, spiega Francesco, perché «è un ruscello di acqua santa che sgorga e fa crescere verdi e fiorite le piante dei nostri buoni desideri e spegne le passioni nel nostro cuore». In questo modo fantasioso, chiaro e schietto, Francesco ci mostra che la preghiera non è tanto una questione di parole, ma un modo di vivere in costante relazione con Dio.


  • A spirituality that is open for everyone
  • Conditions for prayer
  • Humility and prayer
  • Prayer and Hope
  • Loving attentiveness to Jesus as an essential element of prayer
  • Guide to prayer
  • Jesus looks for us where we are
  • Simplicity and intensity in prayer
  • Divine Intimacy
  • Ecstasy of action
  • Conclusion: prayer as communion and union

Reference time period: 2005 – 2006

J. Boenzi, Francis de Sales and the bases for salesian prayer, in «Journal of Salesian Studies» 14 (2006), 112-127.

Reference institution:
Institute of Salesian Studies
Institute of Salesian Studies

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