Joseph Di Mauro – “School Leadership Formation in the Salesian Tradition” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

The goal of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales is expressed in the first paragraph of the Constitutions which reads: “Their wholehearted endeavor will be to sanctify themselves, in order to aid more efficaciously the sanctification of their neighbor, through the different functions of the sacred ministry, the Christian education of youth, and missions in foreign lands” (Dufour, 1933/1994, p. 53). Since the 1903 foundation of Salesianum School in Wilmington, Delaware, the Oblates continue to commit themselves to the work of Catholic education in America.

L’obiettivo degli Oblati di S. Francesco di Sales è espresso nel primo comma delle Costituzioni che recita: «Il loro impegno con tutto il cuore sarà quello di santificarsi, per aiutare più efficacemente la santificazione del prossimo, attraverso le diverse funzioni del sacro ministero, l’educazione cristiana dei giovani e le missioni in terra straniera» (Dufour, 1933/1994, p. 53). Dalla fondazione nel 1903 della Salesianum School a Wilmington, Delaware, gli Oblati continuano a impegnarsi nell’opera di educazione cattolica in America.


  • Introduction
  • A Call for Concern
  • Decrease in the Number of Oblate Educators
  • The Oblate-Salesian Tradition
  • Educating the Administrators
  • The Salesian Philosophy of Education
  • Themes of Salesian Educational Philosophy
  • A Need for New Leadership Formation Programs

Reference time period: 1903 – 1970

J. Di Mauro, School Leadership Formation in the Salesian Tradition, in «Journal of Salesian Studies» 13 (2005), 173-192.

Reference institution:
Institute of Salesian Studies
Institute of Salesian Studies

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