William John Dickson – “Don Bosco, Trade Union Patron in Scotland: how the Scottish catholic teachers’ guild took Don Bosco as their patron” in “Percezione della figura di Don Bosco all’esterno dell’Opera salesiana dal 1879 al 1965”

The guild had a considerable impact on the social and cultural development of the Scottish Catholic Teachers.

As well as Drama, Sports and other recreational activities, the Guild pursued a range of study groups to examine the recent Papal Encyclicals on the Christian Education of Youth, Scholastic Philosophy, Plain Chant, history text books the use and misure of films and to compile a book list for school libraries.



  • 1. Scotland and Catholics
  • 2. Catholic Elementary Education
  • 3. The Scottish Education Act 1918
  • 4. Foundation of the Catholic Teachers Guild
  • 5. Don Bosco as Patron of the Teachers Guild
  • 6. Don Bosco the Teacher
  • 7. Deep rooted Charity
  • 8. Tozzi’s Conclusion
  • 9. The Don Bosco Hymn

Reference time period: 1879 – 1986

W. J. Dickson, “Don Bosco, Trade Union Patron in Scotland: how the Scottish catholic teachers’ guild took Don Bosco as their patron”, in “Percezione della figura di Don Bosco all’esterno dell’Opera salesiana dal 1879 al 1965“. Atti del 6° convegno internazionale di storia dell’Opera salesiana, Torino, 28 ottobre-1° novembre 2015, a cura di Grazia Loparco, Stanisław Zimniak, LAS, Roma 2016 (Studi, 8), 577-587.

Reference institution:
Associazione Cultori Storia Salesiana (ACSSA)
Associazione Cultori Storia Salesiana (ACSSA)

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