John Nguyen Van Ty – “Salesian charism in Vietnam. 39 years of sowing and growth in the stormy history of the country” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results”

How the Salesian Charism has been implanted and taken root in a country is indeed a very interesting and at the same time a very challenging theme. In the case of Viet Nam the planting and the growing processes seem to be neatly cut, surrounded by the turbulent events of the history of modern Viet Nam.

The period of planting (or seeding and incubating) lasts roughly 23 years ( 1952 -1975) with the presence of Salesian Missionaries from various countries. Together with the event of the unification of entire Viet Nam (North and South) under the Communist regime (1975) the Viet Nam Salesian history turned a new page – that of silently taking root and budding forth with only Vietnamese Salesians left all to themselves. I would consider this period to last until 1991 when, due to the changing political conditions (the communist regime abandoned its Bolshevist system and adopted the one of free market), the Salesians of Viet Nam came out of their isolation and got again into direct and normal contact with the Salesians worldwide and thus began the third phase of growth and development.

Come si è impiantato e radicato il carisma salesiano in un Paese è davvero un tema molto interessante e allo stesso tempo molto stimolante. Nel caso del Viet Nam, i processi di semina e crescita sembrano essere nettamente tagliati, circondati dagli eventi turbolenti della storia del Viet Nam moderno. Il periodo di piantumazione (o semina e incubazione) dura circa 23 anni (1952-1975) con la presenza di Missionari Salesiani di vari Paesi. Insieme all’evento dell’unificazione dell’intero Viet Nam (Nord e Sud) sotto il regime comunista (1975) la storia dei Salesiani vietnamiti ha aperto una nuova pagina: quella di mettere radici e germogliare in silenzio con i soli Salesiani vietnamiti lasciati a se stessi. Ritengo che questo periodo duri fino al 1991 quando, a causa delle mutate condizioni politiche (il regime comunista abbandonò il sistema bolscevico e adot quello del libero mercato), i Salesiani del Viet Nam uscirono dal loro isolamento e tornarono in diretto e normale contatto con i Salesiani di tutto il mondo e iniziò così la terza fase di crescita e sviluppo.


  • Prologue
  • Introduction
  • 1. Brief History of Salesian Presence in Vietnam(1952-1991)
    • 1.1. Arrival of the Salesians of Don Bosco
    • 1.2. Transplantation
    • 1.3. Growth
    • 1.4. Communist Revolution
    • 1.5. Strengthening Efforts
    • 1.6. Taking Root in Silence
    • 1.7. Celebrations amidst Hardships
  • 2. How the Salesian Charism was Implanted and Developed
    • 2.1. Predilection for the Young
    • 2.2. Care of Vocations
    • 2.3. Work and Temperance
    • 2.4. Joyfulness and Optimism
    • 2.5. Creativity and Flexibility
    • 2.6. Famtly Spirit
    • 2.7. Communiry life
    • 2.8. Sense of the Church
    • 2.9. The Preventive System
    • 2.10. Prayer Life – Union with God
  • Conclusion


Reference time period: 1952 – 1991

J. N. Van Ty, Salesian charism in Vietnam. 39 years of sowing and growth in the stormy history of the country in Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results. Acts of the Salesian history seminar East Asia – Oceania region Batulao (Manila), 24-28 november 2008, Kristu jyoti publications, Bangalore, 2009, 187-229.

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