This paper aims to present the situation prevailing in the Kingdom of Siam at the time of the arrival of the first Salesians and the unexpected turn of evens which posed challenges to them.
This will be followed by a description of how the Salesians responded to these in a simple practical way in accordance with their experience and the directives of the Superiors that helped them implant the Salesian Charism in a different cultural environment.
Questo contributo si propone di presentare la situazione prevalente nel Regno di Siam al momento dell’arrivo dei primi Salesiani e l’inaspettato susseguirsi di eventi che poneva loro delle sfide. Seguirà una descrizione di come i Salesiani hanno risposto a queste in modo semplice e pratico secondo la loro esperienza e le direttive dei Superiori che li hanno aiutati a impiantare il carisma salesiano in un diverso ambiente culturale.
- 1. The political and social situation in the kingdom of Siam in the period 1925 -1960
- 1. Brief History of the Kingdom before 1932
- 2. A Volatile Period (1932-1945)
- 3. Stability and Growth(1948-)
- 4. The Catholic Mission in Siam
- 2. Salesian in the kingdom of Siam
- 1. The Arrival of the Salesians
- 2. Goals and Challenges
- 3. Mission towards full Vicariate
- 4. The Work in the South
- 5. The Salesian Province of Siam
- 6. Ever-increasing Dfficulties and Persecution
- 7. The Post-War Period (1946-1960)
- 3. The salesian charisma in the mission
- 1. Mary Immaculate and Help of Christians
- 2. St. John Bosco
- 3. Activities for the young
- 4. The Printing Press
- 5. The Schools
- 5.1. The Existing Schools
- 5.2. Salesian Work in the Schools
- 5.3. Other Achievements of the Salesians
- 5.4. Schools Opened in the Period 1946-1960
- Conclusion
Reference time period: 1925 – 1960
E. Danieli, The salesian charism in the new cultural environment of the kingdom of Siam in the first 30 years in Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results. Acts of the Salesian history seminar East Asia – Oceania region Batulao (Manila), 24-28 november 2008, Kristu jyoti publications, Bangalore, 2009, 155-186.
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