Nestor Impelido – “Salesians in the Philippines (1949-1963): historical notes” in “The beginning of the Salesian presence in east Asia”.

The aim of the Seminar is to present the beginnings of the Salesian Presence in East Asia and Oceania. The Philippines, as part of this Salesian Region, has also its beginnings and origins from the first Salesian Presence in East Asia: China. For in the two times that the Salesians started to root themselves in the Philippines, they came from China to negotiate and to concretise what they negotiated. I limit my study of the Salesian beginnings in the Philippines from the moment of the negotiation by Turin with Manila so that the Salesians come, to the actual start of the Salesian work until the creation of the Salesian Philippine Province: hence, from 1949 to 1963 ca. Our notes of history include the following: (1) the negotiations for foundations; (2) the first works started by the Salesians.

Lo scopo di questo Seminario è presentare gli inizi della Presenza Salesiana in Asia Orientale e Oceania. Le Filippine, come parte di questa Regione Salesiana, trae i suoi inizi e le sue origini  dalla prima presenza salesiana dell’Asia Orientale: la Cina. Perché nelle due volte in cui i Salesiani hanno iniziato a radicarsi nelle Filippine, si spinsero dalla Cina per negoziare e concretizzare ciò che avevano stabilito. Il mio studio si limita al principio della presenza salesiana nelle Filippine dal momento della trattativa di Torino con Manila affinché i Salesiani giungressero nelle Filippine, dall’inizio effettivo dell’opera salesiana fino alla creazione dell’Ispettoria Salesiana Filippina: quindi, dal 1949 al 1963 ca. I nostri appunti di storia includono quanto segue: (1) i negoziati per le fondazioni; (2) le prime opere avviate dai Salesiani.


  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Situation
  • 3. Negotiations
    • 3.1. Turin’s initiative
    • 3.2. Braga’s visits
    • 3.3. Braga’s recommendations
  • 4. First foundations regularly established
    • 4.1. Don Bosco Tarlac: “School made by America”
    • 4.2. Don Bosco Victorias: A layman’s vision of social justice
    • 4.3. A different work: Cebu Boys Town
  • 5. Foundations “fait’ accompli”
    • 5.1 . Don Bosco Makati: For future development
    • 5.2. Don Bosco Seminary-College: A Salesian’s dare
  • Conclusion

Reference time period: 1949 – 1963

N. C. Impelido, Salesians in the Philippines (1949-1963): Historical notes, in N. C. Impelido, The beginning of the Salesian presence in east Asia. Acts of the Seminar on Salesian history, Hong Kong, 4-6 December 2004. Vol.I, Don Bosco Press Inc. ,Hong Kong, 2006, 139-163.

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