Leong Domingos – “The political situation in China in 1920-30 and its effects on salesians” in “The beginning of the Salesian presence in east Asia”.

This article would like to present a general view of the political situation of China in the period of 1920-30. Even though China has succeeded in establishing a republic through the revolution, she was still suffering from the civil wars and foreign powers invasion. It greatly affected the daily life of the people, and also, giving a great hindrance for Salesians, along with other missionaries, in their evangelization and educational endeavors.

Questo articolo vuole presentare una panoramica generale della situazione politica della Cina nel periodo 1920-30. Anche dopo il successo  nello stabilire una repubblica attraverso la rivoluzione, la Cina stava ancora soffrendo per le guerre civili e l’invasione da parte di potenze straniere. Queste hanno molto influenzato la vita quotidiana delle persone, fornendo anche un grande ostacolo per i  Salesiani  insieme ad altri missionari, nel loro lavoro di evangelizzazione ed educazione.


  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Dr. Sun Yat-sen and the New Republic
    • 2.1 Setting up of the Canton Government
  • 3. Chiang Kai-sek at the head of the Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang leads the Northrward Expedition in l926-1927)
  • 4. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
    • 4.1 The Kuomintang’s Alliance with Soviet Russia and Accommodation with Chinese Communists
    • 4.2 The Sha Meen Incident (23-6-1925) , the Hong Kong, Shanghai and Canton boycott and the Anti-Imperialist Movement
    • 4.3 The Soviets in Kwangtung
  • 5. Christianity and Modern China, especially in the area of education
    • 5.1. Positive aspects
    • 5.2. Negative aspects:
      • 5.2.1. Anti-Christianity Movement
      • 5.2.2. Education Reform (1926-27) and its effects on Religious Education in China
  • 6. The effects on the Salesian Missions
    • 6.1. Student protests in Shiu Chow and new school legislation (1925)
    • 6.2. Occupation of Nantao by troops and pull out of Salesians (Shanghai 1927)
    • 6.3. The capture of Fr. Umberto Dalmasso in Nam Hung, Shiu Chow (1929)
  • Conclusions

Reference time period: 1920 – 1930

L. Domingos, The political situation in China in 1920-30 and its effects on salesians, in The beginning of the Salesian presence in east Asia. Acts of the Seminar on Salesian history, Hong Kong, 4-6 December 2004. Vol. I, Don Bosco Press Inc., Hong Kong, 2006, 33-45.

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