Joseph Boenzi – “Storytelling, pop-culture and re-launching the gospel message with Don Bosco among a new generation of post-modern young people” in “Forum salesiano”

There would be so much to say on the themes of pop culture, storytelling, the education of the young in a changed and changing world. Each of these vast themes are being addressed in these years by sociologists, psychologists, political scientists, educators and philosophers.

And here I am, a Salesian who teaches theology after beginning as an educator of middle-school youth with learning and behavioral disabilities. I say this to help my readers to understand that I am no authority but a student of these themes for the interest and the needs of those among whom I have worked.



  • I. What is pop culture?
  • II. Broadcast media, music and pop culture
  • III. The Harry Potter phenomenon
  • IV. Young people are reading again
  • V. Storytelling and youthful heroes
  • VI. The hero’s journey
  • VII. John Bosco and youthful heroes
  • VIII. The young John Bosco as a model for young people
  • IX. Striking similarities

Reference time period: 1920 – 2007

J. Boenzi, “Storytelling, pop-culture and re-launching the gospel message with Don Bosco among a new generation of post-modern young people“, in “Forum salesiano“, 16/01/2020, <>. (Ultima consultazione: 17/05/2024).

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