Ángel Fernández Artime – “Merciful like the Father. Jubilee Year Salesian Letter” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco”

This letter discusses the significance of recognizing and sharing God’s mercy, echoing the words of Saint Augustine and Cardinal Walter Kasper. Pope Francis’ Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy calls believers to embody mercy as a powerful witness. Rooted in Vatican II’s tradition, the Jubilee emphasizes mercy as central to the Church’s mission. Through the theme “Merciful like the Father,” believers are encouraged to live out Jesus’ teaching of compassion. The Holy Year presents a unique opportunity to experience and share God’s mercy, fostering a deeper connection to divine grace.


  • The extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy.
  • Mercy: the key word of the Pontificate of Pope Francis.
  • God rich in Mercy.
    • “My heart recoils within me, my compassion grows warm and tender”.
    • Jesus Christ, Face of the Father’s Mercy.
  • Don Bosco, Evangelizer and Educator sensitive to the Mercy of God. The God Don Bosco shows to his boys
  • Mercy in the Salesian house.
    • Proclamation of the Mercy of God in a context of suffering.
    • Living the personal experience of the Mercy of God. Reconciled and creators of educational environments that reconcile.
    • Mercy means having the ‘Heart of the Good Shepherd’.
    • Mercy means that spiritual and educational experience called the “Preventive System”.
    • A mercy that is expressed in justice.
    • Mary Mother of Mercy.

Reference time period: 2016

A. F. Artime, Merciful like the Father. Jubilee Year Salesian Letter, in «Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco» 97 (2016) 423, 3-28.

Reference institution:
Direzione Generale SDB
Direzione Generale SDB

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