Juan Edmundo Vecchi – “«When you pray say; Our Father….» (Mt 6,9). The Salesian a man and teacher of prayer for the young” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco”

The article discusses the changing landscape of prayer in contemporary society, with a focus on the disorientation among Christians and the rise of individualized forms of religious expression. It highlights the challenges faced by young Christians in navigating this environment and their curiosity about the Salesians’ approach to prayer. The abstract underscores the need for prayer to become a meaningful and habitual practice, offering support and guidance in life.


  • 1. You ARE MY LIGHT…
    • A look into our own heart
    • Sincerity with God and with ourselves
    • Ability for listening
    • Savouring silence
    • Discovering our weaknesses
    • Approaching the Father with trust and confidence
    • Journeying in prayer
    • Letting God speak
    • Receiving God’s glance in the depth of our own being
    • The experience of some of God’s friends
    • The seeds: Mamma Margaret
    • Don Bosco man of prayer
    • Following St Francis de Sales
    • The oratory hallmark
    • A contemplative in action
    • Some conditions: Interior attitude
    • Intention
    • Feeling ourselves God’s instruments for the benefit of the young
    • Discovering the presence of the Spirit in the life of the young
    • The prayer of our Saints
    • The liturgy of life
    • Introducing young people to prayer
    • Mary, personification of our prayer

Reference time period: 2001

J. E. Vecchi, «When you pray say; Our Father….» (Mt 6,9). The Salesian a man and teacher of prayer for the young, in «Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco» 82 (2001) 374, 3-50.

Reference institution:
Direzione Generale SDB
Direzione Generale SDB

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