Juan Edmundo Vecchi – “Letter of the Rector Major” in “Acts of the General Council of the salesian society of St John Bosco”

The Rector Major is pleased to extend his greetings, along with those of the members of the General Council, to all of you as some begin a new year of pastoral activity while others gather the final results of the previous one. He sends a special message of support and encouragement to communities facing challenging situations due to war and conflicts, particularly in Africa, and requests that they be remembered in prayers.

The previous letter regarding the animating nucleus has prompted healthy reflection and also raised some concerns expressed by certain confreres. Therefore, the Rector Major takes this opportunity to delve deeper into a theme of paramount importance: the capacity of the Salesian community for animation.


  • I. A consecrated life
    • 1. A pressing invitation
    • 2. A key-word
    • 3. The joyful experience of having received a gift
    • 4. Acknowledgement of God’s initiative
    • 5. A project of life in God
    • 6. Public profession
    • 7. Some consequences
  • II. Our apostolic consecration
    • 1. Unique nature of “salesian” consecration
    • 2. “Consecrated” uniqueness of our apostolic mission
    • 3. Service and prophecy
    • 4. The many gifts of our consecrated community
    • 5. Some consequences
    • 6. The guide of the consecrated community

Reference time period: 1998

J. E. Vecchi, Letter of the Rector Major, in «Acts of the General Council of the salesian society of St John Bosco», 79 (1998), 365, 3-49.

Reference institution:
Direzione Generale SDB
Direzione Generale SDB

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