Eunan McDonnell – “Holy indifference. Freeing the heart for pure love” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

The theme of Pure Love is essential to understanding a Salesian spirituality as lived within the Visitandine tradition. This article explores pure love through the lens of holy indifference which is essential for true spiritual freedom. It concludes with an examination of holy indifference as lived by Mary the paradigm of pure love.


  • Desire Nothing. Ask for Nothing. Refuse Nothing.
  • Holy Indifference as Spiritual Freedom
  • Freedom and Love of God
  • Pure Love of God
  • The Marian Paradigm of Pure Love

Reference time period: 1700 – 1800

E. McDonnell, Holy indifference. Freeing the heart for pure love, in «Journal of Salesian Studies» 18 (2017) 1, 1-26.

Reference institution:
Institute of Salesian Studies
Institute of Salesian Studies

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