Michael Ribotta – “The «Big Rat» and the «Mad Priest of Turin» – Don Bosco’s relationship with Prime Minister Rattazzi” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

Perhaps of all the leading political personages of the Italian Risorgimento with whom Don Bosco enjoyed some measure of friendship, Urbano Rattazzi’s name, like Abou Ben Adam’s, led the rest.

Often during his life, Don Bosco’s path would cross that of kings, prime ministers, cabinet members, and an occasional political snollygoster. But it was with Rattazzi that the priest of Valdocco developed a fascinating and even amicable relationship. And he was admired and esteemed by him in return.


  • Urbano Rattazzi Discovers the Oratory
  • The Legge Rattazzi and the Man Who Led the Onslaught against Religious Institutions in Piedmont
  • Death Comes to the Royal Family-Don Bosco’s Chilling Predictions
  • “Like a Bolt from the Blue”
  • Don Bosco’s Madcap Adventure-The Generala Episode
  • The Countess Comes Calling
  • Urbano Rattazzi-Don Bosco’s Frequent Friend in Need and in Deed

Reference time period: 1850 – 1873

M. Ribotta, “The «Big Rat» and the «Mad Priest of Turin» – Don Bosco’s relationship with Prime Minister Rattazzi” in «Journal of Salesian Studies», 7 (1996), 2, 55-74.

Reference institution:
Institute of Salesian Studies
Institute of Salesian Studies

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