Michael Ribotta,Natale Cerrato – “EXPO’ 84 and Don Bosco’s peerless-to- paper-to-print presentation” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

Turin’s EXPO ’84 was to become the bittersweet culmination of Don Bosco’s remarkable and varied career as publisher, author, and printer. For almost 40 years he had been active in the cause of the Catholic press and as editor of educational publications.

Beginning as a young priest in 1845 he began to chum out an endless stream of books and pamphlets designed to educate and to edify. Included in these publications were catechetical and religious books, a trilogy of historical works, a manual on the metric system (recently made mandatory in Piedmont), student biographies, and paperbound books aimed at pleasurable reading.

Reference time period: 1860 – 1884

N. Cerrato, M. Ribotta, “EXPO’ 84 and Don Bosco’s peerless-to- paper-to-print presentation” in «Journal of Salesian Studies», 4 (1993), 1, 87-98.

Reference institution:
Institute of Salesian Studies
Institute of Salesian Studies

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