The Biographical Memoirs of Don Bosco, written by Father Giovanni Battista Lemoyne, provides a detailed and intimate account of the life of Don Bosco, the founder of the Salesian Society. Based on firsthand testimonies and years of personal interaction with Don Bosco, Lemoyne’s work offers a rich narrative of Don Bosco’s virtues, his deep spirituality, and his tireless dedication to the education and salvation of young people. The memoirs highlight key moments in Don Bosco’s life, his founding of educational institutions, and his relationships with his spiritual sons, offering readers a living portrait of the saint. This monumental work is an invaluable resource for understanding Don Bosco’s legacy and continues to inspire the Salesian mission today.
- Year’s Beginning, 1865
- A Dream: The Partridge and the Quail
- Fatherly Talks
- Fatherly Talks (Continued)
- Special Charisms
- For God and Country
- Fatherly Talks (Continued)
- The Church of Mary, Help of Christians
- Fatherly Talks (Continued)
- A Dream: Gifts for Mary
- Don Bosco’ s 1865 Lottery
- Special Char isms (Continued)
- Noteworthy Details
- Noteworthy Details (Continued)
- Noteworthy Details (Continued)
Reference time period: 1973
G. B. Lemoyne, “The biographical memoirs of Saint John Bosco Vol. 8“, Salesiana Publisher, INC., New York 1973.