Salesian Bulletin – Salesian Bulletin, n° 12, 1906


  • The Compliments of the Season
  • Co-operation
  • A glimpse of the work of Don Bosco outside Italy

  • Don Bosco among the Social Workers
  • News from the Missions: A visit to the Lazaretto of Agua de Dios. Matto Grosso: Another Missionary band despatched to the Coroados-Bororos. From the New Colonies: The consoling news previously promised
  • Salesian Notes and News : The Salesian School, Battersea, London – The New Church at Eeast Hill, Wandsworth – The First Fruits – The departure of new Missionaries – Reminiscences o f the Chilian Earthquake – Recuperation
  • Indulgences 
  • Devotion to Our Lady Help of Christians
  • Graces and Favours
  • Obituary

Reference time period: 1906

«Salesian Bulletin», (December, 1906), n° 12.

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