Salesian Bulletin – Salesian Bulletin, n° 5, 1906


  • A Suggestion 
  • The Cooperators and devotion to Our Lady Help of Christians
  • Indulgences for the Month of June
  • The Sacred Congregation of the Council on Frequent Communion

  • Don Rua’s Representative in America (Conclusion)
  • News from the Missions: News from our Missionaries travelling to India – Ecuador: A Mission to the tribe of Naranza – Matto Grosso: The two colonies amongst the Coroados
  • Items in brief
  • Salesian Notes and News : The Salesian School LondonHis Holiness Pius X. to the Salesian Bulletin — Proposals in MaltaRecollections
  • Devotion to Our Lady Help of Christians
  • Graces and favours
  • Obituary
  • Life of Monsignor Lasagna

Reference time period: 1906

«Salesian Bulletin», (May, 1906), n° 5.

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