Salesian Bulletin – Salesian Bulletin, n° 11, 1912


  • The Jubilee — Reception of H.E. the Cardinal
  • The General Conference of the Directors of the Cooperators
  • The Holy Father’s Autograph
  • Favours ascribed to the intercession of the Ven. Don Bosco

  • Opinions of eminent men 011 the Ven. Don Bosco 23
  • Indulgences
  • Salesian Notes and News
  • News in brief
  • News from the Missions:
    – The Fourth Eucharistic Congress at Meliapor
    – Land of Magellan; The Alacaluf Indians
  • Devotion to Our Lady Help of Christians
  • Graces and Favours
  • Life of Margaret Bosco
  • Obituary

Periodo di riferimento: 1912

«Salesian Bulletin», (November, 1912), n° 11.

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