Egidio Viganò – “In the year of family” in “Acts of the General Council”

Recent months have shown the Salesian Congregation flourishing globally: from vibrant starts in former Soviet nations to robust missions in Latin America, Spain, and Italy. Amidst this growth, we stand in solidarity with our Rwandan brothers, praying for hope and exploring ways to support them anew. 


  • lntroduction
  • Challenges of the new evangelization
  • Dltficulties at the present day
  • The Pope’s letter to families
  • The great mystery
  • The genealogy of the person
  • Formation and animation of the marriage covenant
  • Sexual education
  • Preparation for marriage
  • Don Bosco’s charism and the family
  • The Holy Family of Nazareth.

Reference time period: 1994

E. Viganò, In the year of family, in «Acts of the General Council» 75 (1994) 349, 3-33.

Reference institution:
Direzione Generale SDB
Direzione Generale SDB

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