Jose Kuruvachira – “History of the Inculturation of Don Bosco’s Charism in India: 1906-1956” in “Salesianum”

The article discusses the history of the inculturation of Don Bosco’s Charism in India in the first fifty years of the Salesian presence in the country (1906-1956). In India Don Bosco’s charism took three major directions: a special predilection for poor and abandoned youth and their education; mission ad gentes and catechesis; works of charity and human developmental.

Formation of salesians in loco, fostering of indigenous vocations, promotion of local cultures and languages, and openness towards followers of other religions were important methods used in inculturation. Spreading devotion to Mary Help of Christians, making Don Bosco and the saints of the Salesian family known and loved, practice of the preventive system and active promotion of the Salesian family were also integral aspects of the process. The article concludes with a discussion on the problems faced in inculturation and some of its neglected elements.


  • 1. Arrival of the Salesians in India and first foundations
  • 2. Don Bosco’s charism as lived by the pioneer groups of Salesians in India
  • 3. The process and methods of inculturation
  • 4. Problems faced by Salesians in inculturation
  • 5. Some neglected aspects in inculturation
  • Conclusion

Reference time period: 1906 – 1956

J. Kuruvachira, History of the Inculturation of Don Bosco’s Charism in India: 1906-1956, in «Salesianum», 77 (2015), 4, 673-703.

Reference institution:
Università Pontificia Salesiana (UPS)
Università Pontificia Salesiana (UPS)

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