John Itzaina – “The «Epistolario» of Don Bosco: fifty-eight letters to Clara Louvet” in “Don Bosco’s place in history”

The contents of the 58 letters exchanged between Don Bosco and the French Salesian Cooperator, Claire Louvet (their first meeting took place in 1881), reveal much about the Saint’s character, as Itzaina points out in her essay: his interests and his curious nature, his humor, his sensitivity and delicacy in approaching a woman and his opinions on various topics. In addition, the portrait emerges of a man who knows how to laugh at himself, but also of a guide who, with fatherly affection, instructs, corrects and exhorts the other to establish a closer union with God.

Reference time period: 1881 – 1912

J. Itzaina, “The «Epistolario» of Don Bosco: fifty-eight letters to Clara Louvet” in “Don Bosco’s place in history”, LAS, Roma 1993, 487-499.

Reference institution:
Centro Studi Don Bosco
Centro Studi Don Bosco

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