Silvio Tramontin – “Don Bosco and the world of work” in “Don Bosco’s place in history”

Silvio Tramontin, in his essay, analyzes the concept of “work” according to the vision of Don Bosco.The Saint saved many young workers from dangerous environments and of dubious morality by involving them in learning useful trades for their future. The work was also accompanied by recreational moments (games and physical activity) and religious instruction. 

Silvio Tramontin, nel suo saggio, analizza il concetto di “lavoro” secondo la visione di Don Bosco. Il Santo ha salvato tanti giovani lavoratori da ambienti pericolosi e di dubbia moralità coinvolgendoli nell’apprendimento di mestieri utili per il loro avvenire. Il lavoro veniva anche accompagnato da momenti ricreativi (giochi e attività fisica) e di istruzione religiosa.


  • 1. A complex context
  • 2. Don Bosco’s concept of work
  • 3. The kinds of work
  • 4. Enterprises for the world of work
    • 4.1 The early phase 
    • 4.2 A new phase
    • 4.3 Towards the professional schools
    • 4.4 Initiatives in publishing
  • 5. Work and rest
  • 6. Work and piety
  • 7. As a conclusion

Reference time period: 1850 – 1891

S. Tramontin, Don Bosco and the world of work, in Don Bosco’s place in history, edited by Patrick Egan and Mario Midali, LAS, Roma 1993, 245-264.

Reference institution:
Centro Studi Don Bosco
Centro Studi Don Bosco

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