Egidio Viganò – “Saint John Bosco: “Iuventutis pater et magister” in “Acts of the Superior Council”

The centenary celebrations marking the death of our Father and Founder, Don Bosco, have concluded with reports of remarkable events worldwide. These celebrations have deepened our appreciation of Don Bosco’s historical significance and spiritual legacy. We have experienced renewed joy in our faith, fostering a stronger commitment to our vocation and mission.


  • The letter “Centesimo Exeunte”.
  • A title needing deeper thought and interior assimilation.
  • The designation “Father”.
  • The adjunct “Teacher”.
  • The living connection with “Youth”.
  • A spur to a “New Evangelization”.
  • Ecclesial endorsement of the preventive system.

Reference time period: 1989

E. Viganò, Saint John Bosco: “Iuventutis pater et magister”, in “Acts of the Superior Council” 70 (1989) 329, 3-20.

Reference institution:
Direzione Generale SDB
Direzione Generale SDB

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