Luigi Ricceri – “Letter of the Rector Major” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society”

This letter addresses several significant updates and reflections within the Salesian community. It expresses gratitude for Christmas greetings received and highlights recent milestones, including the Mission Centennial in Argentina and the upcoming General Assembly of the Volunteers of Don Bosco. It emphasizes the importance of Provincial Chapters in renewing the Congregation and discusses the Salesians’ engagement with politics and the enduring relevance of consecrated chastity in Salesian life. The letter encourages thoughtful consideration of these topics as integral to the Salesian mission and identity.


  • Family news
  • Living a life of consecrated chastity today
  • The Church asks us this witnessing
  • Our times demand a new approach
  • The true meaning of our Salesian chastity today
  • Living a life of chastity as mature Salesians

Reference time period: 1977

L. Ricceri, Letter of the Rector Major, in «Acts of The Superior Council of the Salesian Society» 58 (1977) 285, 3-46.

Reference institution:
Direzione Generale SDB
Direzione Generale SDB

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