Luigi Ricceri – “Letter of the Rector Major” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society”

The Centennial of the Salesian Missions began with joyous celebrations in Turin, highlighted by a ceremony where young Salesian missionaries received crucifixes. Pope Paul VI commended their efforts, emphasizing their crucial role in the Church. The official event in Rome, attended by dignitaries, stressed the importance of fostering missionary spirit to inspire new vocations. Looking ahead, the letter calls on Salesians to sustain this enthusiasm and explores the vital topic of personal spiritual direction, reflecting on Don Bosco’s own trials as a guide and spiritual leader.


  • Centennial of Salesian Missions: opening celebrations
  • Personal spiritual direction: we need men of God to guide us
    • Formation must be personal
    • Training one’s conscience
    • Those who take the leading part in spiritual formation
  • The Role of spiritual direction:
    • lt is a human need
    • lt is a constant praxis in the Church
    • lt is a fundamental characteristic of Don Bosco
    • Confession and direction in Don Bosco’s educational system.
  • From the early days to the present
    • Let the Director be once again a father to the confreres!
    • A practical advice of Fr. Caviglia
  • Renewed spiritual guides are needed
    • Selecting those directly in charge of formation
    • These present-day needs of spiritual direction
    • The duty of secrecy
    • Conclusion: a serious examination of conscience.

Reference time period: 1976

L. Ricceri, Letter of the Rector Major, in «Acts of The Superior Counsil of the Salesian Society» 57 (1976) 281, 3-47.

Reference institution:
Direzione Generale SDB
Direzione Generale SDB

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