Egidio Viganò – “The Don Bosco centenary and our renewal” in “Acts of the Superior Council”

The Don Bosco Centenary Year was a significant and demanding event for the Salesian Family. It marks the end of a period of redefining our vocation through three General Chapters and the beginning of a phase of renewed vocational awareness and missionary effectiveness. The Centenary is seen as a culmination of shared efforts, reaffirming Don Bosco’s enduring values and relevance in contemporary times. It has been a “year of grace” that highlights the ongoing transformative impact of great Saints, who, though from the past, continue to inspire the future through the Holy Spirit’s activity.


  • Introduction
  • A rapid look back over the celebrations
    • The Jubilee Year; enthusiastic participation by young people
    • Appreciation on the part of civil authorities
    • Studies and publications
    • Artistic cultural and sporting manifestations
    • Lived experiences in the Congregation
    • Vitality of the Salesian Family
    • lnterest of the Blshops and of so many diocesan and parochial communities
    • Wholehearted participation of the Holy Father
  • Some priorities to be fostered: Our ecclesial dimension
    • The urgent need for the christian education of youth
    • The careful and competent development of a “Laity-project”
    • A more modern use of the means of social communication as a means of evangelization
  • The overriding impression: “an event of grace”
  • The primacy of an internal apostolic convinction
  • The surprising vitality of the Salesian Family
  • The Youth Movement
  • Lay involvement
  • The Marian dimension
  • Devotion to Don Bosco, the Saint
  • The two great commitments before us: the 1989 Strenna; the GC23
  • Conclusion

Reference time period: 1989

E. Viganò, “The Don Bosco centenary and our renewal”, in «Acts of the Superior Council» 70 (1989) 330, 3-58.

Reference institution:
Direzione Generale SDB
Direzione Generale SDB

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