Joseph Boenzi – “Paolo Albera’s instructions early efforts to inculcate the Spirit of Don Bosco” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

Among Saint John Bosco’s early disciples, Paolo Albera (1845-1921) was one who was called upon to articulate and defend the founder’s spirit. Even as a youth, he had been numbered among Don Bosco’s most beloved. He served in a variety of leadership positions from his teenage years until his election as rector major in 1910. Perhaps his most significant role before becoming superior general was that of spiritual director general of the Salesian Society, a post he held from 1892 until 1910. During this period he was responsible for the spiritual and religious formation of the membership. He saw to the general ordering of all phases of formation among the Salesians, and exerted a major influence among the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in this same sector. Beyond the technical and administrative, Paolo Albera promoted the spiritual renewal of Salesians through pastoral visits, days of recollection, the Spiritual Exercises (otherwise known as the annual retreat), and in his writings.

Tra i primi discepoli di san Giovanni Bosco, Paolo Albera (1845-1921) fu colui che fu chiamato ad articolare e difendere lo spirito del fondatore. Già da giovane era stato annoverato tra i più amati da Don Bosco. Ha servito con leadership dalla sua adolescenza fino alla sua elezione a rettore maggiore nel 1910. Forse il suo ruolo più significativo prima di diventare superiore generale è stato quello di Direttore generale spirituale della Società Salesiana, incarico che mantenne dal 1892 al 1910. Durante questo periodo si occupò dell’aspetto spirituale e religioso della formazione dei membri. Ha curato l’ordinamento generale tutte le fasi della formazione tra i Salesiani, ed esercitato una grande influenza tra le Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice in questo stesso settore. Al di là del tecnico e amministrativo, Paolo Albera ha promosso il rinnovamento spirituale dei Salesiani attraverso le visite pastorali, le giornate di raccoglimento, gli Esercizi spirituali (altrimenti noto come ritiro annuale), e nei suoi scritti.


  • 1. John Bosco Remembered in Paolo Albera’s Pastoral Visits
    • 1.1. Trained in Leadership by the Founder
    • 1.2. Believing in Don Bosco’s Holiness
  • 2. John Bosco in Paolo A/bera’s Retreat Instructions
    • 2.1. Handing Down the Founder’s Teachings
    • 2.2. Recalling the Founder’s Example
    • 2.3. Characteristics needed to join Don Bosco
    • 2.4. Don Bosco: Director of Souls
    • 2.5. A Comprehensive Check-list for Directors
    • 2.6. The Heart of Don Bosco Director
    • 2.7. Don Bosco: Man of Prayer
    • 2.8. Don Bosco: Model of Christian Life
  • 3. John Bosco in Paolo Albera’s Circular Letters
    • 3.1. Importance of Paolo Albera’s Circular Letters
    • 3.2. The “Monument”
    • 3.3. Formation in Don Bosco’s Spirit
    • 3.4. Don Bosco: Model of Holiness
    • 3.5 Don Bosco: Model of the Salesian Priest
  • Conclusion: Spiritual Experience

Reference time period: 1892 – 1921

J. Boenzi, Paolo Albera’s instructions early efforts to inculcate the Spirit of Don Bosco, in «Journal of Salesian Studies» 13 (2005), 103-146.

Reference institution:
Institute of Salesian Studies
Institute of Salesian Studies

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