Carlo Socol,Rachel ZHU Xiaohong – “Don Bosco in mainland China. A case study on reports from Shenbao (Shangai news), 1929-1949” in “Percezione della figura di Don Bosco all’esterno dell’Opera salesiana dal 1879 al 1965”

Though limited, this 4-hands research on religious reports in Shenbao is a first attempt to gauge public opinion on youth work, Don Bosco and the Salesians in Shangai based on newspaper records.

Of Don Bosco as such, Shenbao offers two vivid portraits: Don Bosco the Saint, and Don Bosco Founder and inspirer of the Salesian Society. However, while Catholic Shangai revered and admired Don Bosco for his sanctity and his ability to lead the young on a path to holiness, in the Shenbao reports his figure remains a backlighted silhouette, given shape and rendered vivid by the exemplary commitment and the dedicated educative work of the Salesians.



  • 1. Introduction
    • 1.1 Salesians in Shangai (1924-1949)
    • 1.2 Catholic Shangai and Don Bosco prior to and after the arrival of the Salesians
    • 1.3 Shenbao, its database and the research
  • 2. “Shenbao” in related exposure analysis of Don Bosco and related words
    • 2.1 Research results
    • 2.2 The Don Bosco commemoration
    • 2.3 Music, theatre and sports
    • 2.4 Other entries related to the Don Bosco group
  • 3. The Salesian mission
    • 3.1 A conference on “child relief work” organized by “Shenbao”
    • 3.2 Don Bosco’s heritage: an outstanding contribution to the Shanghai youth education case
    • 3.3 Hardship in times of war
  • 4. Conclusions
    • 4.1 Epilogue

Reference time period: 1929 – 1949

R. Z. Xiaohong, C. Socol, “Don Bosco in mainland China. A case study on reports from Shenbao (Shangai news), 1929-1949″, in “Percezione della figura di Don Bosco all’esterno dell’Opera salesiana dal 1879 al 1965″. Atti del 6° convegno internazionale di storia dell’Opera salesiana, Torino, 28 ottobre-1° novembre 2015, a cura di Grazia Loparco, Stanisław Zimniak, LAS, Roma 2016 (Studi, 8), 373-393.

Reference institution:
Associazione Cultori Storia Salesiana (ACSSA)
Associazione Cultori Storia Salesiana (ACSSA)

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