This study also aims to present the various congregations founded by some of the Salesian missionaries who worked in the East Asian region of the known Salesian world.
It focuses briefly on their pre-history and immediate history including their founders, purposes, and manner in which these congregations were established. Although it is largely based on primary documents collected from archives of the respective congregations, the Salesian Central Archives remain the primary source of this study. The period in which the study is collocated is the latter part of the fust half of the 20h century which covers the foundation of the Salesian missions in China (1910), Japan (1926), Thailand and Hong Kong (1927).The relevance of this study is reiterated by the strenna of the Rector Major for 2009, calling on these Congregations to rally together as solid branches of that one tree called Don Bosco. The study of the history of these congregations can give us insighs into the evolution of Don Bosco’s charism in the EAO Region.
Questo studio si propone anche di presentare le diverse congregazioni fondate da alcuni missionari salesiani che hanno operato nella regione dell’Asia orientale del conosciuto mondo salesiano. Si concentra brevemente sulla loro preistoria e sulla storia immediata, compresi i loro fondatori, gli scopi e il modo in cui sono state stabilite queste congregazioni. Sebbene sia in gran parte basato su documenti primari raccolti dagli archivi delle rispettive congregazioni, l’Archivio Salesiano Centrale rimane la fonte primaria di questo studio. Il periodo in cui si colloca lo studio è l’ultima parte della prima metà del XX secolo che copre la fondazione delle missioni salesiane in Cina (1910), Giappone (1926), Thailandia e Hong Kong (1927). Questo studio è ribadito dalla strenna del Rettor Maggiore per il 2009, invitando queste Congregazioni a unirsi come rami solidi di quell’unico albero chiamato Don Bosco. Lo studio della storia di queste Congregazioni può darci spunti sull’evoluzione del carisma di Don Bosco nella Regione EAO.
- Introduction
- 1. Sisters Announcers of the Lord (=SAL)
- 1.1. Bishop Luigi Versiglia and the “Vergini Indigeni”
- 1.2. The Sisters Announcers of the Lord
- 1.3. The Chronicle of the FMA of Hosai
- 1.4. Founder but not Originator
- 2. Caritas Sisters of Miyazaki
- 2.1. Fr Cavoli’s Foundation
- 2.2. The Kyugoin and Fr Antonio Cavoli
- 2.3. Things Started to Happen
- 2.4. The Kyugoin in its Chronicle ( 1933-1937)
- 3. The Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
- 3.1. “Buone Figliuole”
- 3.2. The Auxiliatrices
- 3.3. Annual Reports
- 4. The Daughters of the Queenship of Mary
- 4.1. “Congregatio non grata”
- 4.2. Requests to Leave
- 4.3. The DQM, a Secular Institute
- 4.4. “Return to Don Bosco”
- Conclusion
Reference time period: 1910 – 1950
N. C. Impelido, The growth of the salesian charism in the EAO region: religious institutes founded by salesians in Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results. Acts of the Salesian history seminar East Asia – Oceania region Batulao (Manila), 24-28 november 2008, Kristu jyoti publications, Bangalore, 2009, 81-122.
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