Juan Edmundo Vecchi – “Towards the 25th General Chapter” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco”

The letter from the rector major on the ongoing jubilee process within their community, highlighting themes of reconciliation, Eucharist, youth spirituality, and communal mission. Emphasizing the significance of the upcoming General Chapter, they stress its role in uniting the Congregation, fostering renewal, and discerning God’s will for the Church’s service.

The General Chapter is seen as a crucial moment for reaffirming fidelity to the Gospel and the teachings of Don Bosco amidst contemporary challenges. The speaker calls for a collective commitment to prayer, reflection, and active participation in shaping the outcomes of the Chapter. Ultimately, they urge their confreres to heed the Spirit’s guidance and embrace genuine fidelity in confronting the complexities of modern times.


  • 1. Convocation
    • The hour of the GC25
    • Our journey
  • 2. Theme of the GC25
    • The salesian community
    • “Today”
    • Main points of reference
    • Fraternal life
    • Evangelical witness
    • Animating presence among the young
    • The grace of unity
  • 3. Some conditions for the animation of the salesian community today
    • Ministry of the Rector
    • Ongoing formation in daily life
  • 4. Invitation to the provinces

Reference time period: 2000

J. E. Vecchi, “Towards the 25th General Chapter”, in «Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco» 81 (2000) 372, 3-35.

Reference institution:
Direzione Generale SDB
Direzione Generale SDB

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