Juan Edmundo Vecchi – “Letter of the Rector Major” in ” Acts of the General Council of the salesian society of St John Bosco”

Last August, the Rector Major and others experienced the XII World Youth Day in Paris, witnessing a remarkable turnout of young people. They were deeply impressed by the youth’s eagerness for the Gospel, their attentive demeanor towards the Holy Father, and their receptiveness to those sharing the Word of God, providing them with guidance and purpose. The youth’s desire to hear personal testimonies of faith and their enthusiasm for Jesus, portrayed as the “Way, truth, and life,” prompted reflection on the significance of their spiritual hunger and engagement.


  • 1. A theme which crops up repeatedly
  • 2. “For you I study”: an indispensable element of the mission to the young
  • 3. Why a new insistence at the present day
    • An inculturated and prophetic consecrated life
    • The new evangelization
    • The effectiveness of the educative mission
    • The role of Salesians in educative and pastoral communities
    • The increased requirement for qualified personnel
  • 4. Priority for the qualification of confreres
  • 5. The principal investment at the present day
  • 6. Some options for investing in quality
  • 7. Persons
    • A word to individuat confreres: “Attende tibi”
    • An assignment for communites: foster the quality of life and work
    • An indication for Provinces: make a plan for the qualification of confreres
    • The starting point: the cultural dimension of initial formation
  • 8. Structures
    • The Salesian Pontifical University
    • Other Salesian Universities: a significant presence
    • Salesian Centres for study and reflection
  • 9. Conclusion

Reference time period: 1997

J. E. Vecchi, Letter of the Rector Major, in «Acts of the General Council of the salesian society of St John Bosco», 78 (1997), 361, 3-49.

Reference institution:
Direzione Generale SDB
Direzione Generale SDB

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