Fraternal greetings are extended from the Rector Major and the members of the General Council, with special mention of Fr. Martin McPake, who has been unwell for some time and is seeking intercession through Don Rua. The General Council’s recent activities, including Team Visits, have highlighted both the progress made in the Congregation since the last General Chapter (GC23) and the areas that still require attention, particularly in the evangelization of the youth. The upcoming GC24, with its theme, does not detract from this mission but rather encourages the involvement of various complementary forces.
- Introduction
- The Synodal Assembly with most members
- The ecclesial aspect in the formulation of the theme
- Intimate nature of consecrated life
- Importance of monasticism
- The consecrated woman
- The full dignity “of Religious “Brothers”
- Insertion in the particular Church
- Challenges of the New Evangelization
- Urgent priority of “life in the Spirit”
- Strength of fraternal life in community
- Conclusion
Reference time period: 1995
E. Viganò, Letter of the Rector Major, in «Acts of the General Council of the salesian society of St John Bosco», 76 (1995), 351, 3-33.
Reference institution:
Direzione Generale SDB