Egidio Viganò – “Letter of the Rector Major” in “Acts of the Superior Council of the salesian society”

During the closing part of the year 1994 and throughout 1995, the Rector Major expressed gratitude for the abundance of grace bestowed upon them. He anticipated the upcoming opportunity to participate in the Synod of Bishops on “the consecrated life and its mission in the Church and in the world.” The Rector Major emphasized the importance of this event, urging communities and individuals to devote themselves to prayer and reflection. He encouraged generosity and highlighted the benefits that would result from active participation, emphasizing the growth of gospel authenticity. The Rector Major called upon communities to engage in special prayers of adoration during the Synod, seeking the guidance and strength of the Holy Spirit.


  • Introduction
  • 1. Official convocation
  • 2. The choice of the theme
  • 3. A rapid glance at salesian tradition
  • 4. The statement of the theme of the chapter
  • 5. The meaning we give to the term “lay”
  • 6. “Secularity”, the “secular dimension” of the Congregation, the “secular character” of the lay faithful
  • 7. Lay people with Don Bosco’s spirit
  • 8. A salesian community animating lay persons
  • 9. Incentives of the coming synod for new relationships with lay people
  • 10. An invitation to the provinces
  • Conclusion

Reference time period: 1994

E. Viganò, Letter of the Rector Major, in «Acts of the General Council of the salesian society of St John Bosco», 75 (1994), 350, 3-34.

Reference institution:
Direzione Generale SDB
Direzione Generale SDB

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