Michael Mendl – “The dreams of Don Bosco: an introduction to their study” in “Journal of Salesian studies”

Michael Mendl presents us with his essay on the dreams of Don Bosco. His study is a corrective for those who expect to find extensive prophecies of the future in Don Bosco’s words. Nevertheless the dreams are an important element in the life and spirituality of Don Bosco.


  • 1. A Saint’s Charism
    • 1. Sources for Our Knowledge of the Dreams
    • 2. The Biographical Memoirs: Value and Limitations
  • 2. Studying Don Bosco’s Dreams
  • 3. Purposes and Value of the Dreams
  • 4. Types of Dreams

Reference time period: 1864 – 1888

M. Mendl, The dreams of Don Bosco, in «Journal of Salesian studies», 12 (2004), 2, 321-348.

Reference institution:
Institute of Salesian Studies
Institute of Salesian Studies

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