Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco’s definitive vocational commitment (1844-1846)” in “Journal of Salesian studies”

With his well-known capacity for research, Arthur Lenti details the year of 1846, critical for Don
Bosco, which covers his establishment of the work in Valdocco. Don Bosco’ s commitment to young people is the heart of the article.


  • 1. Don Bosco’s Vocation Decision and Dream of 1844
  • 2. The Oratory at the Refuge and at St. Philomena Little Hospital in the Valdocco District, and the ”Wandering”
  • 3. Hostility confronting Don Bosco during the Oratory’s Wandering Period
  • 4. Settling of the Oratory on Mr. Pinardi’s Property
  • 5. Confrontation with the Marchioness Barolo-Don Bosco’s Definitive Vocational Choice
  • 6. Don Rosco’s Illness of 1844-1846
  • 7. Acquisition of the Pinardi House and Property (1851)
  • Appendix I – Father Borel’s Letter to Marchioness Barolo (January 3, 1846) regarding Don Bosco’s Worrisome Health Condition
  • Appendix II – Don Bosco’s Letter to Marquis Michael Cavour, Vicar of Turin (March 13, 1846)
  • Appendix III – Marchioness Barolo’s Letter to Father Borel (May 18, 1846)
  • Appendix IV – Introduction and Historical Outline

Reference time period: 1844 – 1846

A. Lenti, Don Bosco’s definitive vocational commitment (1844-1846), in «Journal of Salesian studies», 12 (2004), 2, 193-230.

Reference institution:
Institute of Salesian Studies
Institute of Salesian Studies

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