The Programme—also called Regulations—of the school in Mornese was printed by Don Bosco at the Oratory Press like all the other Regulations for Salesian houses. The text copies many of the items in use at colleges he founded.
There are details in it about the educational purpose of the boarding section and terms of admission, as well as the principal tasks of the pupils. At a didactic level the programme is divided into three areas: literary teaching, domestic chores, religious teaching. The curriculum, which follows the same lines as government schools, includes the four elementary classes and envisages optional classes of drawing, French and pianoforte, other than public speaking, writing letters and good manners.
The woman which it aims to form should not abandon the traditional housewife role, but added to this formation in a harmonious way are moral and religious dimensions and the essential cultural ones so a girl could be part of the family and society.
The Regulations of the educative community of the boarding section at Nizza Monferrato comprises 12 articles and the daily timetable for a girl admitted into the boarding section. The text offers a summary of the institution’s identity, how teaching and formation were set up, the composition and style of community life totally at the service of the boarders. The Regulations were sent in November- December to the inspector for schools to gain approval for the school. In fact this was one of the documents that was essential for explaining how things worked.
Reference time period: 1873 – 1878
G. Bosco, “School and boarding house at Mornese Nizza Monferrato – FMA (1873-1878)” in “Section three. Regulations and programmes” in “Part two. Writing and testimonies of Don Bosco on education and schooling” , by José Manuel Prellezo in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected Works”, LAS – Kristu Jyoti, Rome – Bangalore 2017, 583-589.
Reference institution:
Istituto Storico Salesiano