Miguel Angel García Morcuende – “Personal accompaniment in the salesian educative-pastoral plan” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

In many a document the Church has defined the nature, goal and elements of youth ministry and has included it neatly in the methods of evangelization in its different stages. We can proudly say that the Salesian educative-pastoral plan has been, and continues to be, in line with the Church’s evangelizing mission.

The following pages are meant to open a window through which we can see and examine the paths traversed by the many pastoral agents who offer this project to the youth of today.



  • Faith Attains Spiritual Maturity with the Help of Accompaniment
    • A New Understanding of Faith
    • An Environment with Many Options: Pastoral Accompaniment
    • A Spiritual Journey: A Pedagogical Plan
  • Empathy Among Those Involved in Mentoring
    • Spiritual Guides Totally Open to the Surprises of the Spirit Rather than to the Activities
    • Adopting a New Approach to the Formation of New Generations
  • Mentors Exposed to Vulnerability
    • The Appropriate Word: Witness
    • Offer Something New: Accompaniment is an Apostolate
    • The Need to Avoid Burnout in the Mentor
    • Enter as a Guest for Time
  • Accompaniment in Salesian Youth Ministry: Many Different Paths
    • Accompaniment: Exploring the Complexity of the Inner Life
    • Accompaniment: Learning to Pray and to Celebrate the Sacraments
    • Accompaniment: Living the Faith within the Community
    • Accompaniment: Experiences which Spur Us on to Service and a Love for that Which is of Essence
  • Conclusion

Reference time period: 1975 – 2010

M. A. Garcia, Personal accompaniment in the salesian educative-pastoral plan,
Trad. di T. Juarez, in «Journal of Salesian Sudies» 17 (2016) 1, 17-42.

Reference institution:
Institute of Salesian Studies
Institute of Salesian Studies

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