John Itzaina – “My Charitable Mademoiselle” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

Eugenio Valentini, SDB, in his “Presentazione” to the Fourth Volume of the Epistolario de S. Giovanni Bosco, states, that the letters of Don Bosco are not letters of ideas but of matters both spiritual and temporal.

He writes that what is striking about this man of action is his relationship with all sorts of different people in Italy and elsewhere. One such relationship is strikingly revealed in his series of letters to Mademoiselle Clara Louvet, one of the first French Salesian cooperators. The contents of these fifty-eight letters reveal Don Bosco as a spiritual guide, sensible and sensitive, practical and paternal.

Reference time period: 1832 – 1885

J. Itzaina, “My Charitable Mademoiselle” in «Journal of Salesian Studies», 1 (1990), 1, 35-46.

Reference institution:
Institute of Salesian Studies
Institute of Salesian Studies

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