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Il progetto nasce dalla collaborazione del Centro Studi Don Bosco (Università Pontificia Salesiana) e del Centro Studi sulle Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice (Pontificia Facoltà di Scienze dell’Educazione “Auxilium”) Continue reading “Salesian Online”

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Salesian Bulletin – Salesian Bullettin 1907, n. 3

  • Auxilium Christianorum . ………….• 33
  • An account o f Salesian Missionary Work by Grisar …………………………………….36
  • News from the M i s s io n s ……………………………………………38
  • To the Co-operators o f the United States . . . . 4 1
  • Salesian Notes and News …………………………………………43
  • Father Devotion to Our Lady Help o f Christians . . . .47
  • Favours and Graces …….. 48
  • The Life o f the Ven. D. Bosco: Part I. Chapter VIII-IX …………………49

Reference time period: 1907

Salesian Bulletin – Salesian Bulletin, n° 4, 1914


  • All Hail to Mary Help of Christians!

  • For the First Centenary of the Feast of our Lady Help of Christians and of the Birth of the Ven. Don Bosco

  • Text and Translation of the Decree for Cause of the Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God Domenic Savio

  • Don Bosco at the Death-bed of the Comte de Chambord

  • The Wonderful Growth of Don Bosco’s Work in Argentine, Chili and Brazil

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